benefits of civil marriage

Some people think civil marriage is a quick marriage ceremony in a courthouse. They believe they lack the romance or planning that a traditional wedding brings. But there are many good reasons and advantages to having a civil ceremony, so don’t let the opinions of others affect your choice. A civil ceremony can be a wonderful and meaningful event in almost any location, whether you choose a local courthouse or a garden, beach, etc.

No matter if you’re considering a civil ceremony as a way to save on ceremony costs, you’re sure to have some questions, such as what a civil ceremony is, how to plan it, and what the marriage license criteria are. In this blog, you will learn what civil marriage is, its great benefits, and how to plan it!

Civil Marriage, What is?

The civil ceremony is not a common law marriage or a civil union (a legally protected relationship most often associated with same-sex couples) nor a Las Vegas-style wedding. A civil marriage ceremony is a legal, non-religious wedding. The ceremony is performed by a legal official (rather than a priest, rabbi, etc.) and the marriage will be recognized and registered in all 50 states.

Benefits to Consider Having a Civil Marriage

celebration of marriage

Non-religious couples

Neither person is religious, adheres to organized religion, or is uncomfortable with the idea of a religious ceremony.

Interfaith couples

Both partners come from different religious backgrounds, so they choose the civil route to avoid potential conflicts with interfaith ceremonies.

Innovative couples

Their ideal ceremony is more innovative than one religion or culture allows. In this case, couples may include readings from their favorite poems or books, any song for the procession and recessional, or performance art or Buddhist ritual.

Ways to Plan your Civil Marriage

We know it can be complicated to plan a wedding, but here are a few tips that can help you plan it.

One way to make it memorable is to

  • Invite your loved ones and close friends
  • Hire a photographer so that your special moment is marked.
  • Plan a small celebration. It doesn’t matter if it’s a civil wedding, you should still celebrate your engagement!

Let the celebration continue


It’s true that when it comes time for the wedding, you’ll already be legally married, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be unique, especially since the rules no longer apply.

  • Add all the traditions you love and skip the ones you don’t like.
  • Have a lovely, short ceremony to symbolize your union.
  • Walk your father down the aisle or walk your partner into the ceremony.

If you want to make sure that this moment is perfect for you and your partner, A to Z Legal Services is your best option for the best civil marriage service.

With more than 10 years of experience, we make sure that all our services are professional and to the client’s liking. Contact us and get your quotes to celebrate your special day.

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